WARNING: Do not spend a day of self-care, family gatherings, or Netflix & Chill date without your hookah hog!

How To Assemble

Hookah Hog Assembly Video



Hookah Hog Assembly Instructions

1. Unwrap hookah and remove, shisha bowl and 4 command stickies! Place the 4 command stickies on the base of your hookah. This will help keep your hookah safe and off the floor! Place shisha bowl to the side.

2. Open accessories kit! The kit includes the following:

  • Rubber Hose and Handle with Rubber Grommet 
  • Stainless Steel Heat Management System
  • Metal Tongs
  • LED Light and Remote (Batteries INCLUDED for both)
  • Silicon Heat Mat
  • Silicon Heat Mitten
  • Silicon Hookah Hog Tip with Lanyard 
  • 50g of Herbal Shisha with Spatula 
  • 10 Pack Roll of Coco Nara Instant Coals
  • Book of Hookah Hog Matches


    3. Fill the hookah base with 10 ounces of water. 


    Fill until you get to the middle of the Hookah Hog Logo
    Add a few ice cubes to the hookah water for a smoother smoking experience

    4. Place (3AAA) batteries in the LED light and pull plastic tap from the remote. Test out your LED light! You can now place your light under the base of your hookah, be sure your lights are facing upwards.

    5. Remove your hose and hookah hog logo handle out of its plastic. Your hose will attach to the long hookah hog logo handle AND small black connector grommet. Now that you have the entire HANDLE-HOSE-BLACK CONNECTOR GROMMET piece assembled, the rubber grommet should fit perfectly on the side of the hookah. This helps seal any smoke in the hookah during your session.

    Must Read: Do NOT misplace rubber grommets as they are imperative to keep your smoking experience going

    6. Unwrap your heat management system! Place the system on your silicon heat resistant mat. Have your silicon heat resistant mittens close by as the heat management system will get hot. 

    7. Open your pack of Coco Nara Instant Coals and get your Hookah Hog Matches ready. You will likely only use 2 coals per session (they will last about and hour). Place one coal in the heat management system and light the coal. The coal will spark for about 20 seconds as it is ignited. Once fully lit, it should begin to turn orange, at this point add another coal. Use your provided metal tongs as needed to help maneuver coals. The lit coal should activate the second coal just added. Place the head management top on the system. Be sure to use the black rubber handle! 

    Must Read: This device gets extremely HOT! You will burn yourself, someone else, or something if you are not cautious! Hookah Hog cares about you and loves you! Spark responsibly!

    8. It's time to prepare your shisha. Open your herbal shisha and take a second to bask in the marvelous aroma! Take your spatula provided to mix the shisha and add to the shisha bowl (who wants sticky hands? not our Hookah Hoggers). Use the spatula to put shisha in the silicon shisha bowl.                        

    • Do NOT overpack the bowl. 
    • Do NOT place shisha over the vent holes.  
    • Bowl should be half filled, and 20-30 grams if we talking numbers!

    9. Place shisha filled silicon bowl onto hookah base. It should be airtight, no spaces between the hookah and bowl

    10. With your silicon heat resistant mitten, place the HOT heat management system on top of the silicon shisha bowl! 

    Let stand for about 3-5 mins and you can begin to HOG your HOOKAH! 


    Additional Tips

    • If you inhale and it seems harsh, you likely need to blow any additional trapped smoke out of your hookah. 
    • Turn your LED light off when not in use to preserve your battery life

    • Ensure coals are no longer burning before discarding

    • Be sure to allow hookah hog heat management system to cool completely before storing in carrying case

    • When the LITuation is over, and the hookah hog heat management system is cool, store your hookah hog and contents in the convenient carrying case.


      Please DO NOT:

    • Store away hookah hog heat management bowl while still hot

    • Discard hot coals in the trash or grass, this can start a fire. Always allow coals to cool completely or discard in some sort of water/sink

    • Ingest the Herbal Shisha

    • Store heat management system with used Shisha inside.

    • Accidently throw away your air valve grommet (thin silicon circle on top of your hookah base) or silicon valve (clear silicon cone used to secure hose in place).

    For any immediate questions or concerns reach us at:

    Email: info@TheHookahHog.com
    Instagram: @TheHookahHog
    Facebook: Hookah Hog

    Cleaning Instructions

    Remove heat management system, shisha bowl, LED light and disconnect hose before washing hookah.

    • If you remove the circle vent on top of the hookah base to clean, be sure to place it back on the hookah base immediately so you do not misplace or lose it! 
    • If you remove the rubber grommet to clean, be sure to place it back on the hookah hose immediately so you do not misplace or lost it!

    The reusable hookah hog tip can be washed with mild soap and warm water (detach lanyard). Keep original packaging for storing when not in use!

    Partially fill a sink with warm water and mild soap, clean hookah base, thoroughly rinse with warm water and let it air dry. Place hookah and all accessories back in the carrying case!

    The Science Behind The Shisha


    Thank you